Searching for textbooks is something that every student I know hates to do because it is so damn expensive. It still amazes me that people buy their texts from the bookstore at the insane prices those books sell for. While I always by old editions online it got me to thinking about how much a degree equivalent education could be acquired for. I looked at the classes that were necessary to successfully complete a degree and for all majors the classes number from 15-25 (not including general education classes but rather classes for the major). With used textbooks available on amazon for $4 a piece it seems that an entire education could be had for less than my LCD monitor. Now the purpose of this post is not to rail against college and its price because while it is expensive I do still enjoy going but rather I wanted to write about learning on your own beyond whatever education level you finished. It seems to me with the amount of information available freely on the internet and in public libraries you could teach yourself the same knowledge you would learn in any major within a year or two. Imagine getting a new degree every year or two just by diving into the material yourself, think that would give you some business ideas?

Right now I am going through what I have termed 1 year film school where I will study everyday about some aspect of film making, currently it is screenwriting. Obviously it will take me longer than a year to truly learn enough about all aspects to be competent and I still need to work in the field after my self education is complete. But with a vast array of information at my disposal I can still get a film school education for next to nothing in dollar terms and when I am done do with the information as I please or do nothing and move onto some other subject. But what if you don't know how or where to start you own personal education?

1. Search online for class textbook lists.

At most universities they have it set up where students can buy their textbooks online by using a drop down menu to select a course. So say you chosen interest is in economics (my major) go through the lists and write down the text names. From here you can choose to search for the texts online for cheap at sites like or to find the information for free. Start with the basics in this case simple microeconomics would be a good beginning for you.

2. Audio books or Project Gutenberg. and reading free text at Project Gutenberg is a great way to get educated in the classics. These sites give you complete access to pretty much all of the greatest works mankind has ever produced. If you choose to start with the classics first it will teach you a lot about how people act and expose you to ways of thinking that too often get overlooked.

3. Free classes.

Top universities around the world including Yale, Oxford, MIT, Stanford, and California have made available video lectures from their introductory courses. Yale in particular has many complete courses available to view or listen to in audio format. You get to sit in and listen to the professors just the same as if you went to the schools themselves.

4. Look to those who came before you.

If you have a field that really sparks your interest find out who is or was the best that ever worked in that field. For example, I am currently watching Lawrence of Arabia which I have to say is quite an entertaining way to study film. Studying the works of the best will not only help you to understand what works and what doesn't but also give you endless sources of inspiration to help keep you moving forward.

5. Let you curiosity get the best of you.

Did you ever no someone that always loved to take things apart just to figure out how they worked? Probably the fastest way to become self educated is to throw yourself in the deep end and learn as you go. Perhaps you can find work in what you're interested in and start from the bottom picking up knowledge as you move along. Many successful people have started out this way with no formal education but learning only from their experiences.

Always keep in mind that school isn't going to teach you everything you need it is merely a tool to help teach you how to learn. If you want something in life you have to go out and get it and self education is the path that will move you forward.

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